Sciatica Treatment

in Leyton, East London

Sciatica strikes causing pain and misery, making it impossible to lead a normal life

Book an appointment with Leyton Osteopaths, receive expert treatment and your plan for recovery.

Regain your ability to concentrate at work, exercise without restriction and enjoy your social life.

At Leyton Osteopaths we strive to provide pain relief from sciatica as quickly as possible. We have an excellent reputation in East London for our ability to treat this debilitating condition.

Specialist Sciatica Treatment in Leyton, East London

Sciatica is a debilitating condition characterised by sharp shooting pain in the buttock and leg, often accompanied by numbness, pins and needles, and in more extreme cases, weakness in the leg or foot.

There are several possible causes of sciatica. For a swift recovery, getting an appropriate diagnosis and treatment is crucial. If you are Googling for 'sciatica treatment near me' and you are in East London, you have found what you are looking for with Leyton Osteopaths.

“I would highly recommend Leyton Osteopaths for anyone dealing with sciatica!

I first came in with a lot of pain in my lower back, nerve pain/tingling, and very limited mobility. Even after the first session, I felt a lot of relief. I then improved with each session thanks to the treatment and tailored exercises I was recommended.”

Margot, Stratford

“When I first went to Leyton Osteopaths for my sciatica pain, I could only walk 10 steps before I had to stop and rest because of severe pain. My right hamstring and calf would spasm and I had to get up in the middle of the night to take pain killers. Basically, I couldn't walk, sit or sleep, pain had become unbearable. But after 3 sessions with Leyton Osteopaths I am 80% cured. Pain hasn't 100% gone yet, but my leg has stopped spasming, I am only taking pain killers once a day and I am not getting up in the middle of the night. It is not an exaggeration to say I have my life back.”

Ali, Leytonstone

“I booked in with sciatica. The treatment has been amazing. Initially I was unable to cary out my daily activities and was in constant pain. In 2-3 weeks I was feeling dramatically better and in less pain. Definitely recommended.”

Sara, Walthamstow

What to Expect

Assessment & Treatment

Your osteopath will carry out orthopaedic and neurological testing to ascertain whether you have sciatica, and if so, what is causing it. From there a plan for a full and lasting recovery will be created.

Long Term Recovery

We provide hands on treatment, prescribe a home exercise regime, and if appropriate will help you implement lifestyle changes to give the best possible chance to prevent your sciatica returning.

Frequently Asked Questions

What can an osteopath help with?

Our osteopaths are experienced at treating back pain, sciatica, trapped nerves, neck pain and stiffness, shoulder injuries (including frozen shoulder) hip & knee problems and pelvic pain associated with pregnancy.

What should I wear?

Many patients choose to wear comfortable / sports wear. But there's no problem wearing normal clothes.

How long will recovery take?

There are many variables that can affect your ability to recover from back pain and other injuries. For some it could be a matter of days but some suffer for months. The important thing is to have a plan for recovery that is tailored specifically for you, and then implement it.

Will they do the cracking thing?

For some patients we use techniques that involve a putting a quick movement through a joint and it often elicits a clicking sound. We never perform these techniques without your explicit consent and there are many alternative techniques we can use instead, so don't worry if it isn't for you.

Does treatment hurt?

Most people find treatment very relaxing, calm and pleasurable. Sometimes there may be a small amount of discomfort when performing a stretch or similar technique. In a small number of cases there can be some soreness after treatment but it is very rare.

Why do so many people have back pain?

There are many factors but a major one is the demands of modern life. Many of us spend unnatural amounts of time sitting in front of a screen, not moving for hours and hours.

How do I find back pain treatment near me?

Various healthcare professionals can help with back pain. All healthcare providers should be reassuring, encourage active involvement in your recovery and give you a clear plan for recovery. If you are googling 'back pain treatment near me' and you are based in Leyton, Stratford or indeed anywhere in East London, we firmly believe that Leyton Osteopaths is where you need to be.

Do I need a referral from my GP?

No! Although we get referrals from GP practices it is not necessary. Many patients receiving osteopathic treatment for will also see their GP in order to get appropriate pain medication.