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Leyton Osteopaths

osteopathy clinic in THE HEART OF leyton, east london

The Usual

I recently asked an osteopathy Stratford patient if he had any illnesses. He responded by saying ‘Oh just the usual, diabetes, high blood pressure and obviously I need to lose a bit of weight.’ If obesity and diabetes are ‘the usual’ in the circles you mix in around East London, I would suggest you need […]

Back Pain – Bad Luck?

'I've been incredibly unlucky with a recurring back injury. Now I am feeling good and on track again.' I overheard this line spoken by a personal trainer to his client in my gym in Leytonstone. I watched this personal trainer give expert tuition to his client, outlining the many intricacies of the squat. He demonstrated […]

5 Steps for a Healthy Week

Taking just 30 minutes on a Sunday morning to complete these five steps is my top tip for ensuring a healthy week. Step 1 - You are what you eat Nutrition is extra important when recovering from back pain or any other injury. Your body breaks down the components of the food you eat and […]

Rest & Digest for Recovery

You’ve probably heard of the fight or flight response - in response to a threat or a perceived threat a physiological change occurs in the body. Adrenaline and cortisol hormones are released which have wide ranging effects. The heart and lungs speed up Digestion slows or stops Pupils dilate Increased muscle tension to provide the […]

Relaxation Exercise

Focussing on your breathing and working to relax your muscles can be a great way to supplement your rehabilitation from injury. Try this little exercise as a starting point. Lie on your back, close your mouth and breathe gently into and then out of your nose. Put your right hand on your chest and the […]

Understanding Pain & Injury

There are two broad types of back injury: sudden and cumulative. Even if the onset of pain is sudden, the injury may have been developing cumulatively, beneath our awareness, for some time. Pain is a bodily system like the respiratory system or the cardiovascular system. Its function is to warn of us harm or potential […]